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Data collection, hyper-personalisation of offers, loyalty actions,… our actions aim at always reinforcing our position within our dynamic market. Thanks to Dividuals® we know their media preferences and their propensity towards retail, online,… With these elements in hand we can now deploy marketing actions to renew our clientele.

Allison Vanderplancke, CEO, Maniet

(Digital) Out-of-Home advertising has witnessed the evolution of advertising through the centuries. While digitisation today must confront many uncertainties, (D)OOH remains a pillar of stability. Thanks to constant innovations in precise targeting, it positions itself as the medium of the future, building upon a solid legacy.

Valérie De Coster, Head Of Research and Insights @ Clear Channel

The sociological, demographic and economic data available in Dividuals allow Matexi to obtain a detailed view of the local population. Dividuals is an important tool for us to take well informed decisions regarding the evaluation of the land we aim to purchase, to choose appropriate type of housing and also to profile potential buyers.

Roel Helgers, Market Economist, Matexi