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Define your Target Group

Unveiling the purchasing patterns within your existing customer base is valuable, but analysing solely internal data limits your perception of your target group’s characteristics and lifestyle beyond your company’s scope. The absence of external data also hinders your ability to gauge the size of untapped market opportunities. Cross-referencing Dividuals® data with your customer data provides a comprehensive, multidimensional perspective on your target group, bridging the gap and uncovering hidden potentials in the market.

Your challenges

  • Who are my customers?
  • How do they behave?
  • How many look-alikes are there?
  • Where are they?
  • How to reach them?

Use Dividuals® to

By cross-referencing your customer data with Dividuals® you obtain clear and reliable answers to all these crucial questions.

  • Know exactly who your target group is and where to find them.
  • Understand regional differences in target groups.
  • Create target groups per product category.
  • Compare target groups of offline and online channels

Your benefits

Leverage these insights in every aspect of your marketing and business strategy.

  • A multidimensional view on your customers.
  • Detailed briefings for your marketing agencies.
  • Buyer persona based on reliable data.
  • Improved targeting and personalisation.
  • Increased ROI of campaigns and media investments.

A world of insight

Dividuals® integrates +2.000 variables to understand your target group and activate them properly. Our thematic databases include themes such as:

  • Sociodemographic & socioeconomic data
  • Housing type & equipment
  • Professional context
  • Leisure & holidays
  • Buying preferences (online & offline)
  • Mobility habits
  • Food preferences & facilities
  • Media consumption
  • Pharma and beauty products

Reach out to us

Truly unleash the power of your customer data by cross-referencing it with Dividuals®. Reach out to us to get started with Dividuals®.

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