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Predict consumer behaviour

The rising trend sees an increasing number of companies employing AI and predictive models to anticipate consumer behaviour based on observed patterns in their customer data. Integrating Dividuals® into these predictive models introduces numerous dimensions which are not present in your customer data—such as income, life stage, family composition, living environment, affinities, and preferences. These extra dimensions enhance significantly prediction quality and boost return on investment.

Your challenges

  • Which customers have the highest propensity to buy or to upsell?
  • Which customers are more likely to churn?
  • Which prospects are likely to engage?
  • What is the customer lifetime value of each customer?

Use Dividuals® to

Incorporating Dividuals® data and factors into the equation significantly enhances the performance of predictive models. Through the cross-referencing of your customer data with Dividuals® and the subsequent integration, you gain access to crucial sociodemographic, socioeconomic, housing type, and environmental attributes that greatly improve the accuracy of forecasts. Our partners are poised to collaborate with you in developing and industrialising predictive models that meet the unique specifics and needs of your business.

Your benefits

  • Develop highly performant predictive models and propensity scores.
  • Increase the accuracy of existing predictive models.
  • Create marketing programs based on the propensity to buy and upsell.
  • Anticipate the risk of churn among your customers and enhance customer loyalty.

Reach out to us

Reach out to us to use Dividuals® in predictive models and the development of propensity scores.

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