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Privacy statement SIRIUS Insight

Last update: April 2022

SIRIUS Insight provides its clients with geomarketing services. These consist of location insight, customer insight and data. With this we give our clients insights that allow them to make optimal decisions.
As part of our services, we offer our clients insight into the characteristics and behaviours of Belgian households.

SIRIUS Insight has consumer segmentations at various geographic levels, including for instance neighbourhoods and streets. Where these consumer segmentations relate to identified or identifiable individuals, these are personal data.
Our segmentation data does not contain any data that directly identifies individuals, such as first name, last name, and date of birth. In addition, SIRIUS Insight does not use phone numbers, e-mail addresses and IP addresses in the context of consumer segmentations.

SIRIUS Insight collects certain (business) contact information when you request information via our website, register for an event, or subscribe to our newsletter. This data is personal data.

SIRIUS Insight also collects data about the visit to and use of our website. Where this data relates to identified or identifiable natural persons, these are personal data. We ask for your consent for these processing activities by means of our cookie banner. You can find more information about this in the chapter on cookies further on in this privacy policy.

SIRIUS Insight processes personal data and other data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Because we attach great importance to this, we have made a large number of provisions to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with the privacy legislation in Belgium (e.g. the General Data Protection Regulation – 2016/679/EU). In this context, SIRIUS Insight also wishes to provide the necessary clarity on how it processes (personal) data.

Terminology used

This document uses the following terms:

SIRIUS Insight: SIRIUS Insight SRL/BV, based Avenue Alexander Fleming 10, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve and with company number 0440.647.343. SIRIUS Insight acts as the controller for the processing activities included in this privacy statement.

Source data: all data and information that SIRIUS Insight acquires from data providers and processes into SIRIUS Insight data.

SIRIUS Insight data: the end products that SIRIUS Insight delivers to its clients. These products are the result of combinations and statistical processing of the different source data.

Data subject: the natural person whose personal data is processed.

Personal data security

SIRIUS Insight attaches great importance to the security of the personal data it processes. To this end, SIRIUS Insight ensures conform art. 32 of the GDPR an adequate level of security and takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to minimise the processing risks.

Purpose and legal basis of processing

Consumer segmentations

The purpose of the SIRIUS Insight service is to provide its clients with geomarketing services consisting of location insight, customer insight and data. To this end, SIRIUS Insight uses consumer segmentations that it develops and maintains itself.

These consumer segmentations are available at different geographical levels (e.g. district or street) and provide insight into the characteristics, interests and behaviours of households in Belgium.
The segmentations may be used by SIRIUS Insight clients for:

  • (Direct) marketing analytics;
  • Target group analysis;
  • Target group selections;
  • Location surveys;
  • Statistical analysis.

The segmentations may be provided by certain SIRIUS Insight partners to their end customers who may use the segmentations for the above-mentioned applications.

SIRIUS Insight explicitly prohibits its clients and partners from using the segmentations for:

  • Providing (geo)marketing analysis services and/or (commercial) information agency services to third parties;
  • For delivery, sub-licensing or otherwise making it public and/or making it available to third parties;
  • To assess the creditworthiness of consumers;
  • For the taking of automated decisions relating to natural persons which have legal effects on the data subject or affect the person concerned to a significant extent.

Contact information

When you request information via this website or register for an event, we ask for certain (business) contact details. We do this in order to handle your request properly and to be able to execute the agreement you have concluded with us in this way. Your (business) contact details are included in our database. When you register for our newsletter, your (business) contact details are also included in our database. When you apply and/or register, you give us permission to store your data in our database and use it to contact you.

Your data is included in a SIRIUS Insight database and will not be shared with third parties unless it is explicitly stated when we request your information.

If you no longer wish to receive messages from SIRIUS Insight, you can unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link in our e-mails or by completing the contact form on our website.

Processing of (personal) data for the creation of consumer segments

In relation to SIRIUS Insight’s information products, there are 2 categories of data:

  • Source data
  • SIRIUS Insight data

Source data

SIRIUS Insight uses source data from public sources (e.g. government) and commercial partners to develop its information products. An agreement is concluded with the commercial partners, which stipulates that the collection of the source data by the commercial partner and its processing in the SIRIUS Insight data takes place in accordance with law and regulations.

Data from public sources are not considered personal data. These data are anonymised and aggregated.
Data from commercial partners may contain personal data. This only concerns identification data such as postal address, gender or year of birth. These data are only processed if you have given your valid consent.

SIRIUS Insight data

SIRIUS Insight processes the source data in the final product, the SIRIUS Insight data. We process this source data on the basis of your consent. This data is used by SIRIUS Insight to give its clients insight into the characteristics, interests and behaviours of Belgian households.

The final product, the SIRIUS Insight data, does not contain any personal data.


We collect data on visits to and use of our website by means of cookies and other tracking technologies. We use a range of first and third party cookies that enable us to provide an enhanced, personalised browsing experience. We use cookies to better understand how visitors use our website. In addition, cookies help us tailor websites according to users’ navigation preferences, which in turn helps to improve usability. More information about the use of cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy.

Cookies may constitute personal data, for example (indirect) personal data such as an IP address.
We use this data for statistical purposes, to monitor the performance of our web campaigns and to keep you informed of our activities and new developments by post, e-mail, social media or telephone. Details about the use of cookies can be found in our Cookies Policy.

Rights of data subject

Your rights

Under the General Data Processing Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Directive 95/46/EC) you have, under certain conditions, the right to check your data (and, where appropriate, obtain a copy), correct errors, revoke your consent or have your data removed from our database. In principle, you also have a right of objection (against direct marketing processing and processing based on the “legitimate interest” of SIRIUS Insight) and a right to data transfer.

Exercising your rights

You may exercise your rights by contacting us through co********@si***********.be. SIRIUS Insight shall respond as soon as possible but not later than within one month of the submission of the written request.

It should be noted that SIRIUS Insight has consumer segmentations at various geographic levels, including for example neighbourhoods and streets. These consumer segmentations are the result of statistical modelling. As a result, these are predictions of target groups and do not apply individually to a person.

For requests relating to the Source Data, the data subject shall be referred to the suppliers of the Source Data as far as possible.

Incident and registration report

Incidents can be reported to the Privacy Officer via co********@si***********.be. A record is kept of each incident and its handling.


You have the right to file a complaint or an objection regarding the processing of your data with the Data Protection Authority. This can be done by post through the Data Protection Authority, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel or via

Retention periods

Personal data is not retained for longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or used. SIRIUS Insight destroys the personal data after the expiry of the retention period. The data protection officer shall check the retention period. SIRIUS Insight uses the following retention periods:


Source data

Contact data



4 years

4 years

6 months


In order to be able to make reconstructions in the event that inaccuracies in the data are detected.

After 4 years, we again ask your permission to use your contact details to inform you about our activities and our products and services.

In accordance with standards of the hosting party.

Processing outside the European Economic Area

SIRIUS Insight does not provide personal data to third parties outside the European Economic Area.
SIRIUS Insight data, which does not contain any personal data, may be provided to clients and/or commercial partners outside the European Economic Area (e.g. in the future, the United Kingdom). Despite the fact that the SIRIUS Insight data does not contain any personal data, this transmission shall only take place if the country in question has an ‘adequacy decision’ or the necessary measures have been taken to ensure appropriate protection in the host country.